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Guys, Eat These 6 Foods to Boost Your Fertility

Trying to start a family? 

For many of us, this is a huge challenge. Between the toxins in our environment and the toxins in our S.A.D. (Standard American Diet), getting pregnant is harder than ever.

According to a Danish University study, male fertility rates have been steadily declining in industrialized societies since the end of World War II. Experts are still debating why. But the good news: us lay people can take action now!

While we don't have much control over what is put into the environment, we do have control over what we put in our mouths.

Here are 6 foods that can help boost your fertility.


Beef is loaded with good stuff for your swimmers. From protein to omega-3 fatty acids to L-Carnitine, some would even call it a health food. But try your best to get your beef locally sourced and grass fed. 

Most of the beef you buy at the grocery store is fed a diet rich in soy and corn. But penny-pinching farmers have even been known to throw candy in their feed as well. None of this is good for your baby-making prospects. Soy has even been shown to cause an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone. 

Next time you grab a burger or grill up a steak, make sure that steer ate what God intended!  


These little guys pack a powerful dietary punch. They are very high in both zinc and magnesium, making them a natural fertility supplement. Next time your at the vitamin store, check the labels of their fertility products and you'll see zinc and magnesium over and over again. 

Pumpkin seeds are a major player when it comes to boosting sperm and testosterone production. Eat them raw and organic for optimum nutrition absorption. Throw em' on a grass fed steak salad for a virile lunch.


There's a lot to love about the health benefits of leafy greens. Veggies like spinach and kale are full of lutein which help your sight and quercetin which can fight cancer! 

The main idea here is folic acid. This is a form of vitamin B9 that is crucial to getting a man into breeding shape. It plays an integral role in the development of your cells and DNA, which means having plenty of folic acid in your diet will make your sperm strong and healthy. 

This salad is really coming together.


Lentils are cheap, tasty, and thick with health benefits. This is another addition to your pantry that will help make sure you are getting the folic acid you need. They also offer up hearty doses of protein, zinc, and B vitamins. 

At 230 calories in just one cup, they will fill you up without expanding your waste-line. The accompanying weight loss will also be a huge boost to your pregnancy quest.


If you've been paying attention to the health food community, you've probably heard of maca root. Most people take it as a supplement but it is actually a root vegetable in the cruciferous family. 

It has been eaten by Peruvians for centuries and used to fuel Incan warriors before a battle. Their legendary ruthlessness was attributed to eating mass quantities of maca root. Modern science has confirmed maca (specifically black maca) to pack a powerful fertility punch. 

One study showed that it increased sperm production and sperm motility. It's easiest to acquire this food in powder or supplement form, but if you ever got your hands on some fresh maca you could make some mean mashed potato substitute to go with that grass-fed steak. 


Eggs are one of nature's perfect foods. Contained in that tidy little shell is a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients that can really help get your fertility off the ground. We're talking selenium, vitamins B5, B2, B12, A, Zinc, Iron, and that's just in the yolk. There is also a healthy dose of protein in the whites. 

One egg also contains about 250mg of N-acetylcysteine, an amino acid that is essential to your basic health. One study showed that this amino acid also "had significant improving effects on the volume, motility, and viscosity of semen". Translation: eggs will get your lads lifted.

If you're a man who cares about your health, you should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day. Ditch the soda, the booze, and the sport's drinks. Guzzle that delicious H2O. All of our body's basic functions are absolutely dependent on our being properly hydrated. Sperm without water is like that orange powder from your box mac 'n' cheese without milk and butter: insufficient for it's purpose. One study showed being dehydrated is a huge blow to your swimmers (they didn't get that name for walking). So, drink up and make babies!

Sam Bolton - March 26th, 2017


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